How Challenger Brands Should Optimize Their LinkedIn Page

In the 10 years that LinkedIn has been in existence, it has gone from an unknown Internet start-up to an absolutely essential marketing and recruiting tool. Both mega corporations and small businesses use LinkedIn to increase their web presence, showcase their services and recruit new employees. Plus it’s free, making it a no-brainer.
8 Ideas to Create Compelling Challenger Brand Blog Posts

A critical component of Challenger Brand marketing is having a powerful blog strategy. Blogs position you and your company as thought leaders and experts in your field. But as we all know, just because you write a blog, doesn’t mean that people will read it. So how do you write blog posts that are compelling and relatively easy to execute?
Marketing Mistake #49: Not Leveraging Technology
Marketing Mistake #33: Not Putting All Hands on Deck
Marketing Mistake #27: Acting Like an Advertiser
How to Develop an Effective Blog Strategy
Three Keys to Making Social Media Work for Your Company
Ten Tips for Creating a Memorable Blog