[Having a marketing program that includes interactive strategies is critical for today’s marketers. As such, your goal should be to try to convert your marketing monologue into a marketing dialogue whenever possible. One of the most cost-effective ways to make this happen is through a blog.
But before you go off and start a blog, you and your company need to commit to keeping it up to date and relevant. And, importantly, it must reflect your overall marketing and branding strategy.
Here are ten suggestions to help you take your blog from good to great:
- Be personal and conversational in tone.
- Consistently deliver original and relevant content.
- Ask questions and encourage feedback. The more you get your readers to participate, the more loyal and engaged they will be.
- Configure your design and layout for SEO.
- State the purpose of your blog in your header. Don’t force your readers to search to discover what your blog is about””because they won’t.
- Don’t sell anything. The first time you do is when you begin to lose the trust of your audience.
- Always lead with the most important “takeaway” of the post.
- Be sure to provide links when talking about other people, companies, posts or websites.
- Take the time to create the most compelling post titles. Great titles generate more traffic.
- Engage your audience with interesting polls.
These are just some recommendations that will help improve your company blog. And always remember why anyone reads a company blog in the first place: to find information that they deem relevant, informational and/or valuable.