You Might be a Challenger Brand: Volume 2
One of our most popular Challenger Brand Marketing Blogs was from a few years ago and helped marketers determine if they were indeed a Challenger Brand. You might be a Challenger Brand if you think “since 1987” is a tagline.
“Dear Gumas” – Do We Need A Tagline?
The following is another edition of “Dear Gumas,” our advice column for the diligent Challenger Brand Marketer. Before we review your letters for this edition, a quick note.
Dear Gumas – Volume 1
Like most full-service advertising agencies, we receive lots of random calls and emails from well-meaning marketers looking for some quick advice and “simple” answers to various marketing questions. We thought we’d share some of the more colorful examples in a Marketing Smart segment we like to call, “Dear Gumas.”
Why You Should Invest in Mobile Advertising and How to Do it Right
Nowadays, we can do just about everything on our smart phones. Get restaurant recommendations, do our banking, view the weather forecast, and even find a date all from the palm of our hand.
Are You Underestimating the Power of a Competitive Analysis?