What Makes an Effective Challenger Brand Ad?
Ever wonder why some print advertisements generate an enormous response, while others seem to just fall flat? Challenger brands can’t afford to waste time and money on feeble advertisements; they need to get the most bang for their buck. Before you can create an effective advertisement, you must first understand the anatomy of an ad and what it needs to accomplish.
Why You Should Invest in Mobile Advertising and How to Do it Right
Nowadays, we can do just about everything on our smart phones. Get restaurant recommendations, do our banking, view the weather forecast, and even find a date all from the palm of our hand.
The Five Most Overlooked Mistakes in Marketing
The marketing and promotion of any product or service can be tough, especially for Challenger Brands up against competitors with greater resources. The objective should be to have your marketing budget generate the greatest possible return on your investment.
8 Tips to Help Challenger Brands Improve their e-Newsletter Results
Marketing Mistake #9: Not Acting Outside the Box
Marketing Mistake #22: Overlooking Values in Promoting Values
Marketing Mistake #29: Leaving Out Direct Response Advertising
Driving Consumers to Purchase