If you’re like most of our clients, you do not have an issue with developing social media content that is loaded with practical advice and great ideas. After all, the reason why you are successful is because of your great ideas.
But, have you ever written what you thought to be a great blog post with invaluable advice or an insightful Facebook post with a great idea only to find that no one was interested?
Chances are you left out the one key ingredient that all Challenger Brands must include if their social media content is going to be successful: Emotional engagement.
Here at Gumas Advertising, we believe that in order to be successful, Challenger Brands must write content that grabs and holds the attention of the reader, emotionally connects with them and pulls them into the discussion.
The following are four tips that we have found to increase the effectiveness of your social media content.
1. Write Visually
The typical reader processes visually, so you should try to paint pictures with your words at every opportunity. Use words that instill images, emotions, objects, colors or other visuals that will help you connect with your reader. Most of us associate emotions with experiences. We connect emotions with physical objects with which we can combine and tangibly relate to things in a way that we simply can’t with vague, general concepts.
2. Be Interesting
Have you ever purchased a book because the topic sounded so interesting that you just couldn’t wait to start reading all about it? But when you opened it up and started reading, you just found yourself losing focus, uninspired or even bored? Most likely, that’s because the author did not know how to connect with his or her readers.
Many social media authors believe that just because they have something interesting to say, people will read it. Although this could be partially true in some business-to-business settings, we strongly believe that the more you can connect with your readers, the more engaged your readers will be.
3. Become a Story Teller
We all love a good story. Good stories create mental pictures, are emotional and we can usually relate to the characters. As a result, we find ourselves becoming much more engaged. Instead of writing your content in a cold, clinical way, try telling a story that puts your content in an interesting situation.
For example, instead of using a step-by-step writing style, try telling a story of how your content was actually used by your company in a real world setting. We have found that the more personal you can make your story, the better your reader will connect with you. This technique not only increases readership, but it also enhances your credibility.
4. Develop a Relationship
The techniques that we have outlined above can be very powerful because they go well beyond providing your reader with basic information, or systematically outlining a process or procedure. And, they only work if you can develop a relationship with your reader.
Your ultimate goal is to develop a meaningful relationship with your audience. To do this, you have to engage your reader by forging a personal connection using the tactics that we have outlined above. This strategy is even more critical for Challenger Brands because you must always be looking for ways to maximize everything you do.
If you can make your content that much more engaging, your readers that much more connected to your content and your story that much more interesting, then you are well on your way to writing social media content that will generate the greatest results possible.