[When it comes to advertising campaigns, some you forget as soon as you see them and others you can never forget. The ideas that you never forget are sometimes referred to as “sticky ideas,” simply because they stick with you.
At Gumas, there is a process we use to help us craft ideas that will “stick” with our clients’ intended audiences. The following are the key elements of our process that we utilize to make our ideas “sticky.”
1. Keep it simple. It’s hard to make ideas stick in our chaotic environment. Strip your idea down to its most critical essence.
2. Do the unexpected. Break an obvious pattern. Communicate your message in a way that breaks your audience’s guessing tendencies.
3. Get to the point. Abstraction makes it harder to understand an idea and to remember it. Be specific and get to the point.
4. Establish credibility. Earn trust by talking the talk. Show your expertise. Details matter.
5. Appeal to the emotions. Appeal to your audience’s self-interest, but also appeal to their identities…not just who they are but who they want to be.
6. Tell your story. Stories are the culmination of the other five criteria outlined above. Weave a simple and credible story using the juxtaposition of the concrete facts and the unexpected so that it triggers an emotional response.
The next time you find yourself in a position in which you need to make your advertising ideas stand out and become “sticky,” try the system that we use. It really works.
Until next month…