[Video can be a very powerful way to communicate with your audience. Just imagine the success you would have if you could have face-to-face conversations with every prospect interested in your company, twenty-four hours a day. Obviously, this is not possible, so video messaging can offer the next best option for effectively connecting with your audience.
Thanks to the recent evolution of video production technology, every organization can now include quality, low-cost video in their marketing communication strategy. This can include everything from websites to social media campaigns to sales presentations, and almost every other marketing strategy in between. So what are some of the basics of effective video production?
Know your audience ”” Defining your audience early in the video helps you develop your story line and messaging. When your audience knows you are speaking directly to them, they will better connect with you and actively listen to your message.
Make it worth their time to watch ”” Just because you have something to say doesn’t mean people are going to listen. Make sure your message is relevant, entertaining and/or provides valuable information designed to keep your audience engaged.
Make your message consistent with your brand ”” It’s so easy to stray from your brand vision, especially in a video. Always be true to your brand’s guidelines, messaging style and vision.
Keep it short and sweet ”” Your objective must be to ensure that your target watches your video to the end. The only way this will happen is if you connect with them in a relevant way. Try to keep your message short, sweet and to the point, and remember that your audience only cares about one thing: “what’s in this for me?”
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth several million. Done right, adding videos to your marketing strategy can dramatically increase your messaging impact. We have been seeing the results of our video marketing campaigns increase more and more recently.