[Many Challenger Brands utilizing print media can’t always afford to use full-page ads every time they advertise. Small space ads can be extremely effective. But, all too often they are executed poorly or they are not properly integrated into the overall media strategy.
Here are some tips to help you reap the benefits from tactical small space advertising:
- You only have two to three seconds to grab the reader’s attention.
- White space and simplicity are your best friends.
- They have to be able to read it. Reducing the size of the type is only practical to a point. Try not to go smaller than 11-point type.
- Use one strong single image that tells the story quickly.
- When possible, use color for emphasis. Color will help grab attention and guide the flow of your ad for increased effectiveness.
- Show your ad to a target sample. If they can’t understand the ad in five seconds or less, start again.
Don’t let a small advertising budget minimize your potential effectiveness. When done right, the small space ad can be a very powerful tactical tool that will help you generate more response for less. So think small and watch your profits grow.