[Ordinary companies have bought into the belief that you can’t reach C-level executives through online communications. Challenger Brands know that there is simply no truth to that common misperception, but they welcome the opportunities it provides them. In a recent study by Forbes Insight in cooperation with Google entitled “The Rise of the Digital C-Suite: How Executives Locate and Filter Business Information,” it was discovered that senior-level executives considered the web to be their most valuable resource for gathering business information.
The results of the study indicated that the web far outpaced other sources, including personal networks, trade publications, seminars and trade shows. Challenger Brands know that, contrary to common belief, C-level executives are far more involved online than are other members of the management team. And Challenger Brands also know that the younger generation of C-level executives who have grown up in the era of the web are bringing about monumental changes to the manner in which market and product and/or service research is conducted. Challenger Brands know of these things instinctively as well as intellectually.
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