[A strong public relations strategy should always work hand-in-hand with your overall marketing and advertising strategy. The key to successful public relations is identifying the right “story hook” for the right media outlet and then presenting that story correctly to the press.
Where we see most companies’ public relations efforts stray off course is not only in their overall strategy but within the wording of their press releases.
As a whole, the press is an intelligent, above-average group. So when you or your marketing firm write your press releases, be sure that you stick to the facts with as little embellishment as possible.
So, with that said, here are the seven words or phrases that you should never include in a press release:
1. Industry-leading
2. Unique
3. Cutting-edge
4. Breakthrough
5. Revolutionary
6. World-class
7. The Best
Remember that you are writing news, not a print ad. The press is very factual. They report on the who, what, where, when and why. We have found that they will respond better to your releases when you provide them with just that.
Until next month…